Sound & Music Design

In addition to my own music releases, I have also done some custom music and sound design for different kinds of purposes in the past and I am also interested in doing such projects in the future. Here are a couple of examples of my work:
Music for municipal election candidate Juha Joki’s election commercials 2017.
Music & sound design for Finnish Red Cross’ video commercial competition entry.

If you’re interested in having my work in your productions, don’t hesitate to contact me via any of the social media accounts or e-mail (links available in the top banner). Since I am an independent artist and my work is not controlled by any 3rd party organization (like record company or copyright organization) I can be very flexible on the terms, conditions and usage rights for the work and materials. I am also willing to give usage rights to my existing work to be used in other productions in case tailored design is not needed for your purpose.